About us

Acerta Contábil is an accounting, business intermediation and investment company that provides services in the market through the use of its technical advisors and associates, meeting the needs of numerous market segments, such as: Commerce, Industry, Services, Non-profit Institutions, Consortiums, among others.


Elaboração de contrato social, alteração contratual, distrato, estatuto social e atas de abertura; Registro de pessoas jurídicas na junta comercial, receita federal, fazenda estadual, fazenda municipal, FGTS, INSS, CEF, conselhos regionais e demais órgãos

Restricted Access


To make numbers and quality services, huge client’s allies, offering intelligent indicators as well as advanced support to meet their objectives.


To be a solid and competent accounting consulting and guidance company that reaches the customers, partners and associates’ satisfaction, acknowledgement and respect. 

Best Results
A team always available to assist you
Qualified Professionals

Av. Aruanã, 280 - 2o.Andar - Sala 10 - Tamboré - Barueri/SP - CEP: 06460-010 - Fone:(11 )4191-6772 / 4382-9075 - acerta@acertacontabil.com.br

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